Travel with your Pet to Austin, Texas!
Pet Friendly Austin!
Dealing with Heat cont.
• Walk your dog on a grassy areas or in the morning before the concrete/asphalt heats up.
• Make sure your dog has access to cool water all day, both inside and out.
If you see a dog in a parked car that is not running and with the windows up, do not break the windows to rescue the dog — call the police. “Do not walk away,” Soukup said. “Don’t feel like you are overreacting. You could be potentially saving the animal’s life.”
Ticks and Snakes in Austin
Check your dog and yourself after a hike – stay away from tall grasses. Ticks tend to collect on dogs on the ears, between the toes, and around the neck and head. And on humans, wherever it is moist and warm. You do the math. Ticks in Austin are NOT the lyme disease type...
- The most common snake in the Austin Area–is the Texas Rat Snake, and it is NOT poisonous. If your dog is bitten by a snake: if your dog is bitten, slow the flow of blood between bite and heart and head for a vet.